Prehnite Crystal Jewellery

"I am foreseeing"

For Protection, Tranquility, Insight

β€’ Known as the "Stone of Prophecy," Prehnite enhances intuition and spiritual insight
β€’ Tied to the heart chakra, it fosters compassion and forgiveness
β€’ Its green, cloudy appearance symbolises the merging of heart and will
β€’ Renowned for encouraging harmony, Prehnite promotes balance and inner peace


1 products

Layered Choker - Prehnite - 14K Gold Fill - Luna Tide Handmade Jewellery

Prehnite Gemstone Chain Layered Choker Necklace

from $107.00 AUD
from $107.00 AUD
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  • PrehniteΒ is known as the Stone of Unconditional Love
  • It is believed to enhances memory, inner knowing, and personal discipline
  • It is thought to bring harmony with nature, peace and protection

β€’ Known as the "Stone of Prophecy," Prehnite enhances intuition and spiritual insight
β€’ Tied to the heart chakra, it fosters compassion and forgiveness
β€’ Its green, cloudy appearance symbolises the merging of heart and will
β€’ Renowned for encouraging harmony, Prehnite promotes balance and inner peace